Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Why am I nervous?

This is my seventh year teaching - fourth at my school.
This will be my 2nd year in second grade, so I am familiar with the curriculum and don't have to "wing it" as I did last year.

And yet... I am nervous. Why?

It all comes down to the fact that I don't trust God.

I struggle to trust him:
-to provide patience for me.
-to guide me.
-to give me strength.
-to provide for my needs.
-to forgive my failures.

You name it and while intellectually I know I should trust, I struggle to do so.

Hmmm - you'd think after 10 years of following Christ, I'd have this stuff down a little better. Thankful that his mercies are new every morning and that his faithfulness never fails!

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