Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I resolve...

So the almost three weeks (thank you snow days) Christmas break is now over and I am three days into returning to school in 2011. Which by the way has been the longest.week.ever.

But as the New Year always does, I have reflected and evaluated my teaching and have come up with a few resolutions.

I resolve:

- to have my lesson plans for the following week completed by Thursday of the preceding week.
- to spend more time with C this semester focusing on his reading issues.
- to make a more conscious effort to encourage my students' parents; probably via emails telling them something good. Far too often, the only news they hear is negative. This needs to change.
- to think before speaking to a student - to watch and see before reacting.
- to use my break times more productively - make copies, clean up, etc...

What are your teacher resolutions?

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